Beginn Seminar

27.06.2024 09:00 Uhr

Ende Seminar

01.07.2024 17:00 Uhr


Punnu Singh Wasu

Kost & Logis

Einzelzimmer: CHF 160.-
Doppelzimmer: CHF 135.-
Mehrbettzimmer: CHF 121.-

zzgl. Kurtaxe
Änderungen vorbehalten
weitere Informationen


Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp
CH-3855 Brienz

Are you curious to discover Reiki or to take your Reiki skills to the next level?
Reiki is known for deep relaxation, stress relief and natural healing. It is a simple and powerful -laying on hands- energy balancing technique which is based on the idea that an unseen -life force energy- flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
If ones -life force energy- is low, then we are more likely to become sick and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Feelings of tranquillity and peace are often experienced after giving/receiving Reiki sessions along with a renewed capacity to cope with the pressures of our busy daily lives.
Whether you want to treat yourself, help friends/family/pets or start a professional practice, Reiki has endless healing benefits.

Punnu teaches in English. Short German translations/explanations available from the assistant teacher upon request.

For more information please /

Punnu Singh Wasu

Punnu is an Indian vocalist, musician, songwriter and multi instrumentalist - born and raised into a family that has a true love for kirtan and spirituality. He began practicing harmonium and singing at the tender age of 5. Punnu has studied yoga, meditation, Reiki and various healing modalities with different masters all over India and other countries. He shares his profound knowledge and rich experience of over 30 - 45 years in his meditation-, Reiki-, kirtan- and sound healing training courses globally. More information at

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